Thursday, 23 February 2012

To find our Library Materials the Search Tools and Terms are:

·       OPAC   
Online Public Accessible Catalogue

·       Catalogue    
Listing all the resources available in the library example: Books, Periodicals, etc.,

·       Online Catalogue
Library Catalogue accessible through electronic version

·       Keyword Search
An important word or term chosen by the user in order to find an items when search the electronic database.

·       Boolean Search
Boolean searching is a method of combining search terms in database searching using Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT.

·       Location
Where the books is located in the library ex: Stack Room, Reference Room or 1st floor etc.,

·       Status
To know whether the book is on the rack, lend it out, send it for binding or received.

·       Database
An organized collection of records containing data set of same kind of information.

·       Document
In 3 ways 1) Materials published by government 2) Historical Materials 3) “To Document” means to record all the items.
·       Index
It is an alphabetical list of important words, authors name list, or titles of the book etc.,

·       Bibliography
A bibliography is a list of reference materials such as books, articles and authors list used for research.

·       Abstract
An abstract is a concise summary of a periodicals article or book.

·       Serial
A publication that is issued in successive parts usually at regular intervals Ex: periodicals, Harry patter book etc.

·       Article
An essay or research report published in journals, magazines and encyclopedias.                

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