Monday, 25 October 2021

Todays GK(25-10-21)

1.Which country received non-harmful Nano Nitrogen liquid fertiliser from India to boost cultivation?
[D] Bhutan
Answer: B [Sri Lanka]

2.Which Indian state conducts an annual State-level Sugarcane competition to award high-yields?
[D] Andhra Pradesh
Answer: B [Uttar Pradesh] ]

3.Who has been awarded the top EU human rights prize- the Sakharov Prize for 2021?
[D] Narendra Modi
Answer: B [Alexei Navalny] ]

4.Which institution released the 2021 Production Gap Report?
[D] NITI Aayog
Answer: B [UNEP] ]

5.Mount Aso, which erupted recently, is located in which country?
[D] Malaysia
Answer: C [Japan] ]

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