Thursday, 25 November 2021

Today's GK(25-11-21)

1.. ‘DEAFinitely Leading the Way’, which won the ABU – UNESCO Peace Media Awards 2021, is a programme of which media company?
Answer: A [Doordarshan] ]

2.‘Jigyasa programme’, which was seen in the news recently, is associated withwhichfield?
Answer: A [Science and Technology] ]

3.Who is the Chief of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Personal Data Protection(PDP)Bill2019?
Answer: C [P P Chaudhary] ]

4.Kanaka Dasa, was a 15th century poet, saint and social reformer of which state?
[D] Odisha
Answer: A [Karnataka] ]

5.Which country has sign key deal in nuclear submarine alliance, with the USA and the UK?
[D] Israel
Answer: B [Australia] ]

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